Employee Benefits Law

Our employee benefits attorneys can design and implement a wide range of pension and profit-sharing plans, including 401(k) plans, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), and other tax-qualified retirement programs to meet the individual needs of our business clients. After implementation, we assist our clients in insuring that their plans qualify under and comply with all applicable state and federal reporting and non-discrimination requirements. We also facilitate the operational aspect of plan administration including plan participation and vesting, always with an eye toward changes in the law that may affect existing employee benefit plans. We can also aid our business clients with any benefit issues that may arise after a merger or acquisition or plan termination.
We can provide guidance in the following areas:
- Design and administration of tax-qualified retirement plans, profit-sharing plans, fringe benefit plans and non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements
- Employee Benefit Plan Creation, Administration and Management
- Employee Benefit Plan Distributions
- Employee Benefit Plan Amendments
- Employee Benefit Plan Terminations