Family Law

Family Law, Attorneys at Law, Rogers & Greenberg, Dayton, Ohio

Keith Kearney, Tony Lush, Amy Blair, and Christopher Cloud provide legal assistance to clients in the areas of separation, dissolution, divorce, child custody and support, domestic violence, spousal support, equitable property divisions and adoptions. Our dedication to this area of law springs from a desire to use our legal skills, experience and compassion in a way that we can most effectively help our clients. It goes without saying that any issues surrounding the dissolution of a relationship, no matter the length, are emotionally charged and affect all parties involved, particularly children. It is our experience that taking an aggressive, yet dignified, stance in these matters produces not only the best results for our clients, but also for the family as a whole. We take the time to explain the legal process to our clients and understand their concerns.

Family laws can seem confusing, overwhelming and impersonal. Our task is to navigate this process and assist our clients in setting and attaining realistic goals for themselves and their families. We pride ourselves on being a law firm that achieves results through skilled, goal-oriented and personal guidance. Simply put, we assist our clients in bringing closure to a troubling period in their lives with the assurance that they have received the highest quality representation.

We can provide representation with the following family laws issues:

  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Divorce, dissolution and legal separation
  • Child custody, visitation and support
  • Separation agreements
  • Property divisions
  • Post-decree modification of child support, spousal support, custody and visitation
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Orders for the division of retirement benefits
  • Paternity actions
  • Adoptions
  • Domestic violence